Mar 31, 2023
Charcooters - Bax, Spaniard, Nuno and Scoops discuss Nuno's trip and adventures. Nuno speaks Spanish?....who knew.
Mar 29, 2023
The Old 49ner and some milk - Bax and Spaniard discus an interesting story from the weekend, it's for science. Tell us what you think? Are we just old?
Mar 15, 2023
The Old Days - Bax, Spaniard, Cheagan, Nuno, and Bowie talk about the weekend, AI, little league, and hot 80's shows.
Mar 10, 2023
Nuno buys it twice - Bax, Spaniard, Cheagan, Scoops and Nuno talk Cali weather, work, and stories.
Mar 3, 2023
Elbows and Lips - Bax, Spaniard, and Scoops talk relationships, anniversaries, and fat taking appointments. You gotta listen.