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TheLife podcast

Jan 30, 2019

Bax & The Spaniard are joined by Nuno and the Spaniards son Andrew. They talk about those that have scents that offend, massages with a knuckle drive by and The Spaniard almost dies live on the show. You really got to listen to the whole show.

Jan 25, 2019

Bax & The Spaniard are joined by The Media and their friend Nuno. They talk about scary movie screaming, relationships and those that help us along are personal journeys.

IG - dakotacohen


Jan 15, 2019

Bax & The Spaniard sit around and talk about the Exorcist, karate and the first chapter in Colorado. 100%er

Jan 11, 2019

Bax & The Spaniard talk to an old friend and make a new one. Music, school, food, culture and more music. Bax does a Scottish accent but thinks it's an Irish one. The Hooligans.


Jan 7, 2019

Bax & The Spaniard are visited by Nolan, owner of Gardena, CA BurgerIM. Food, music and the perfect bite. Boom, get that hitter.